How to Store Wine

How to Store Wine

3rd November 2023

Wine is a delicate beverage that requires proper storage to maintain its flavour and quality. Whether you are a wine collector or simply enjoy the occasional bottle, understanding the essentials of wine storage can greatly enhance your wine-drinking experience. In this article, we will discuss the importance of proper wine storage, the factors that affect wine quality, as well as provide practical tips on how to store wine effectively.

Why is Proper Wine Storage Important?

Proper wine storage plays a significant role in preserving the taste and aroma of the wine. Wine is highly sensitive to temperature, light, humidity, and vibration. Failure to store wine in the appropriate conditions can result in undesirable changes such as oxidation, spoilage, or the development of off-flavours. Therefore, investing in proper wine storage techniques will help you enjoy your wine at its best.

Factors Affecting Wine Quality

  1. Temperature: Wine should be stored at a consistent temperature between 10°C to 15°C (50°F to 59°F). Extreme temperature fluctuations can cause the expansion and contraction of the liquid, leading to wine leaks or spoiled flavours. Additionally, high temperatures can accelerate ageing, while low temperatures can slow down the maturation process. One of the worst places to store wine is the kitchen due to temperature fluctuation.
  2. Light: Exposure to sunlight or fluorescent lighting can cause the wine to undergo chemical reactions that affect its aroma, taste, and colour. Ultraviolet rays are particularly damaging, breaking down complex molecules and causing wine to deteriorate rapidly. Therefore, store wine in a dark area or a wine cellar, away from direct light sources. Natural and artificial light may also heat the wine causing it to become old and stale before its time.
  3. Humidity: Wine corks can dry out if exposed to low humidity levels, resulting in the entrance of air into the bottle and spoilage. On the other hand, excessive humidity may lead to mould growth and label damage. Aim for a relative humidity level between 60 to 80 percent to ensure the cork remains moist without risk of deterioration.
  4. Vibration: Continuous exposure to vibration can disturb the sediments inside the bottle, affecting the wine's clarity and taste. Vibrations can also disrupt the ageing process and cause premature ageing. Therefore, avoid storing wine in areas prone to constant movement, such as near appliances, machinery, or heavy traffic areas.

Tips for Effective Wine Storage

Now that we understand the factors affecting wine quality, let's explore effective wine storage techniques:

  1. Choose the Right Storage Location: The ideal location is a wine cellar or a cool, dark, and relatively humid area. The temperature should be consistent, without large fluctuations.
  2. Horizontal Bottle Orientation: Store wine bottles on their sides. This keeps the cork moist and prevents air from entering the bottle, ensuring proper ageing and preventing premature oxidation.
  3. Avoid Temperature Extremes: Keep wine away from direct sunlight, heat sources, and areas prone to temperature changes, such as a kitchen or laundry room. A constant temperature around 10°C to 15°C (50°F to 59°F) is considered ideal for long-term storage.
  4. Control Humidity: Maintain an adequate level of humidity to prevent cork drying. 
  5. Minimise Light Exposure: Keep bottles away from fluorescent lights or any form of direct light. Wrapping bottles in UV-protective coverings can be helpful.
  6. Limit Movement and Vibration: Avoid storing wine in areas with frequent vibrations. If storing in a fridge, position bottles away from areas that might experience movement or doors that are opened frequently. Note that storing wine in the fridge for long periods is not recommended as this can cause the corks to harden and lose elasticity which can in turn allow for oxygen to penetrate and spoil the wine. 
  7. Avoid Strong Odours: Wine is susceptible to absorbing odours, so avoid storing it near strong-smelling substances like cleaning agents, spices, or other chemicals.
  8. Consistency is Key: Once you find a suitable storage location, refrain from moving the bottles frequently. Constantly changing storage conditions can negatively impact the flavour and ageing process of the wine.

    In conclusion, proper wine storage requires considering factors like temperature, light, humidity, and vibration. By adhering to the tips outlined above, you can help preserve the taste, aroma, and quality of your wine collection. Remember, wine is a precious beverage that ages with grace, and with the right storage techniques, you can enhance your wine-drinking experience for years to come.